
∞ Apple asks court to proceed with Psystar trial

Apple is asking the court to remove an automatic stay imposed by a bankruptcy filing and let the case against Mac clone-maker Psystar continue to trial. Psystar filed in bankruptcy protect in May, which invoked an automatic stay of proceedings in Apple’s case against the company for copyright infringement.

∞ Judge orders Apple, Psystar case stayed

Less than a week after filing for bankruptcy, Mac clone-maker Psystar got a reprieve in the lawsuit brought against it by Apple. Judge William Alsup order a stay in proceedings on Monday, citing Psystar’s bankruptcy filing on May 26. The … Continued

∞ Justice Dept. probe targets tech companies

The United States Justice Department is launching an investigation that targets some of the world’s top technology companies. At issue for the Justice Department is whether or not the companies violated antitrust laws by agreeing not to target each other’s … Continued