
∞ Google+ snags 20 million users

ComScore: To get a better understanding of how Google+ is performing to date and who is using it, comScore pulled together some figures based on the first 21 days of its public existence (June 29, 2011 – July 19, 2011). … Continued

∞ Google+ comes to iPhone

If you’ve hopped on the latest social networking bandwagon and gotten a Google+ account, you may be interested in the new Google+ app for iPhone. It’s available for free download from the App Store.

∞ Google Swiffy converts Flash files to HTML5

Swiffy converts Flash SWF files to HTML5, allowing you to reuse Flash content on devices without a Flash player (such as iPhones and iPads). Swiffy currently supports a subset of SWF 8 and ActionScript 2.0, and the output works in … Continued

∞ J.P. Morgan: iPad competitors failing

After the release of the original iPad, companies crawled out of the woodwork to announce a tablet of their own. However, those companies are finding that consumers don’t just want a tablet, they want an iPad.

A report released on Thursday by J.P. Morgan Chase says that demand is not what Apple’s competitors had hoped for. In fact, production of tablets has dropped by about 10 percent, according to NYTimes.

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∞ PayPal sues Google for stealing trade secrets

Yesterday morning, Google announced Google Wallet. By the afternoon, PayPal launched a lawsuit against the company, claiming it stole the technology.

I’ve seen very few lawsuits with the twists and turns that this one has and I’m sure it will only get better. It not only involves stealing technology, but trade secrets and even employees.

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∞ Senator Franken asks Apple, Google to require privacy policies for apps

U.S. Sen. Al Franken (D-Minn.) asked both Apple and Google to require “clear and understandable privacy policies for all of their apps.”

The Senator made the statements in a letter sent to both companies.

“If the companies agree to this request, consumers who purchase apps from Apple or Google’s app stores would have a clearer understanding of what information is being collected about them and with whom it’s being shared,” wrote Franken.

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∞ Android sees 400 percent increase in Malware

It’s a big news day for Google, but it’s not all good news for the search and mobile operating system company.

In a new global mobile threat report released on Tuesday, Juniper Networks said cyber criminals are turning to smartphones instead of PCs. Along with that shift is a widening gap between hacker capabilities and an organization’s defenses.

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∞ Google exec on Android: 'We are using compatibility as a club'

When you think of an “open” company, you don’t often associate using a club to get people to do what you want, but that’s how a Google employee sees it.

A Massachusetts court released email messages from Google last week as the company battles Skyhook Wireless in court. One of the emails is garnering quite a bit of attention.

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∞ Open or closed, what's better Android or iOS?

Everyone seems to be debating the benefits of Google’s Android OS versus Apple’s iOS and which mobile operating system is better.

There are reasons that both sides contend make their operating system the best one to use, but for the most part it’s a personal choice to allow you to get things done. At least that’s what I thought.

I got a call from a friend of mine the other night and we talked for a while before the conversation turned to Google and why he thought it they made a better operating system. I’m paraphrasing, but the conversation went something like this.

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∞ iPad 2 tops Consumer Reports tablet ratings

Consumer Reports on Tuesday said that Apple’s iPad topped its ratings of 10 tablets.

“So far, Apple is leading the tablet market in both quality and price, which is unusual for a company whose products are usually premium priced,” said Paul Reynolds, Electronics Editor at Consumer Reports. “However, it’s likely we’ll see more competitive pricing in tablets as other models begin to hit the market.”

The consumer watch-dog said the iPad’s closest competitor is the Motorola Xoom. Consumer Reports tested tablets from Archos, Dell, Motorola, Samsung, and ViewSonic, as well as a number of models from Apple.

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