
Google’s nuclear bullshit

MG Siegler on what he hates about Android:

But I cannot respect their decision to continue to work on this platform that perpetuates our imprisonment. I have to believe most simply chose not to think about these things. But they should. They really should.

MG goes through some of the history of Android and why he really dislikes some of the things that Google does.

Microsoft: A platform company

When Google released its iOS Gmail app, I argued that it was a woefully missed opportunity for the software giant. With Gmail for iOS, Google had a unique chance to impress iOS users with a well-designed app for a widely used service. Instead, as we all know, Google released a pathetic implementation reliant on UIWebView, and squandered a phenomenal Trojan Horse moment.

In stark contrast to Google’s well-publicized folly, Microsoft is doing everything it can to impress iOS users.

Six major Android problems

Adrian Kingsley-Hughes takes a look at six glaring problems with the Andorid ecosystem in a new ZDNet article entitled Six Android issues that Google doesn’t want to address. Among the problems he lists are how most Android handsets now in … Continued

iPhone most searched term on Yahoo


Apple’s iPhone edged past major news events, celebrities and pop stars as the top searched term on the Web in 2011, according to Yahoo!

Not to be rude, but Yahoo only holds 15.2 percent market share. I’d be interested to know where “iPhone” falls on Google since it controls 65.6 percent of the market.

∞ Google+ Pages

In life we connect with all kinds of people, places and things. There’s friends and family, of course, but there’s also the sports teams we root for, the coffee shops we’re loyal to, and the TV shows we can’t stop watching (to name a few).So far Google+ has focused on connecting people with other people. But we want to make sure you can build relationships with all the things you care about—from local businesses to global brands—so today we’re rolling out Google+ Pages worldwide.

Google is putting a lot into its social networking venture.

∞ Microsoft accuses Google of having no vision or roadmap

Microsoft’s Tom Rizzo:

In cancelling this group of social media-like services, it is clear that Google is not in tune with the market needs and does not have a product roadmap and clear vision for productivity for their business customers. The Microsoft Office team does. Our vision demonstrates a clear focus on what business customers are looking for, such as intuitive interfaces across a wide range of devices.Google releases experimental products and tracks adoption to determine whether to continue providing them. Its products are like spaghetti, Google throws them up against the wall to see if they stick.

Michael Gartenberg’s take on Twitter is classic. “pot to kettle, you’re black.”

∞ Google's missed opportunity

Matt Alexander:

I have nothing against Android, but I find it brutally frustrating to watch Google flounder in the face of the professionalism offered by iOS, and even Windows Phone.

∞ New Gmail look is live

Google changed the look of Gmail this afternoon. Just log into your Gmail account and look at the bottom right corner — click the switch button and you’re done.

∞ Google's money

Dan Frommer: About 85% of Google’s net revenue comes from ads running on Google sites. About 10% comes from ads running on other sites. And about 5% comes from “other”…

∞ Google Analytics launches real-time stats

Google announced to users that it is implementing real-time stats as part of its free analytics offering for web site owners. Real-time stats i something that many publishers use on a daily, hourly or even by the minute to track … Continued

∞ The Dead Sea Scrolls online

Google: Now, anyone around the world can view, read and interact with five digitized Dead Sea Scrolls. The high resolution photographs, taken by Ardon Bar-Hama, are up to 1,200 megapixels, almost 200 times more than the average consumer camera, so … Continued

∞ Justice halts Google/Motorola deal, wants more info Google (NSDQ: GOOG) will renew some old acquaintances at the U.S. Department of Justice before its Motorola (NYSE: MMI) deal is allowed to pass. The company announced Wednesday that the government has asked for “more information” about certain aspects … Continued

∞ Apple's hypocritical patent lawsuits

Joe Wilcox writing for BetaNews: I’ve been fairly critical of Apple’s recent patent bullying — what I call innovation through intimidation/litigation. The Apple Fanclub of bloggers and journalists defend the company’s patent and other intellectual property claims as protecting its … Continued

∞ Facebook Timeline and other announcements

Macworld: Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced a bevy of features for its social network, including one called Timeline that allows you to chronologically chart your entire life via pictures, Facebook updates, Likes, and places you’ve traveled to and lived. That … Continued

∞ Google Wallet and near field communication

In May we announced Google Wallet—an app that makes your phone your wallet—with Citi, MasterCard, Sprint and First Data. With Google Wallet, you can tap, pay and save using your phone and near field communication (NFC). I’m really looking forward … Continued

∞ Google shows interest in Hulu

But by looking at what Google’s competitors are offering, you can get a sense of what’s in play. As the Financial Times reported this weekend, Yahoo, Amazon and Dish are all expected to offer between $1.5 billion and $2 billion … Continued

∞ Shareholder sues Motorola over Google sale

BGR: “The offered consideration does not compensate shareholders for the company’s intrinsic value and stand-alone alternatives going forward, nor does it compensate shareholders for the company’s value as a strategic asset for Google,” investor John W. Keating said in the … Continued