Earlier this year famed Halo game creator Bungie announced the formation of Bungie Aerospace, a new venture aimed at publishing mobile games. The first fruit of that labor, Crimson: Steam Pirates, is now available for the iPad on the App … Continued
∞ Emma and the Inventor comes to iPad
Tricky Software has announced the release of Emma and the Inventor for the iPad. It’s a free download, though unlocking the full game requires a $4.99 in-app purchase. Emma’s Grandfather Jenkins has completed his greatest invention ever, but the mysterious … Continued
∞ Spiderweb announces new Avernum RPG for Mac, iPad
Spiderweb Software has announced the forthcoming release of Avernum: Escape from the Pit, a reboot of their popular “classic”-style role playing game series. The game is coming to Mac OS X, Windows and iPad.
∞ Study shows iOS users play, pay for more games
If you’re an iOS developer chasing the money by making a game, you’re on the right track, if a new study from Nielsen research is any indication.
∞ Former Sony boss: 'Apple will be the games industry'
Phil Harrison, the man who launched the original Sony PlayStation console and later because president of Sony Computer Entertainment’s Worldwide Studios, recently offered his vision of the future of gaming to Edge Magazine. And Harrison sees Apple as ground zero … Continued
∞ Trainz Simulator for Mac available as download
N3V Games’ Trainz Simulator is now available for download from Macgamestore.com. It costs $49.95.
∞ Deathsmiles iPhone game conversion adds new content
Japanese game developer Cave is known for making frentically-paced and gorgeous-looking “bullet hell” shooters. Nowhere is this more evident than in Deathsmiles, a “Gothic Lolita”-themed shooter that’s headed to the iPhone. The forthcoming iPhone version will get a new character … Continued
∞ Unity game engine surpasses 500K developers, 60M plug-in installations
Unity Technologies has announced a milestone: the company said that its installed base of developers has passed the 500,000 mark, doubling in just over six months, while the number of users who have installed the plug-in that enable Unity games … Continued
∞ Assassin's Creed Brotherhood available at MacGameStore

Good news tonight for Mac gamers. Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood is available from the MacGameStore as a digital download — that means you can get it right now.
In the game, you assume the role of Ezio, a legendary Master Assassin, in his enduring struggle against the powerful Templar Order. Defeating the corrupt tyrants entrenched there will require not only strength, but leadership, as Ezio commands an entire Brotherhood who will rally to his side.
∞ iOS games roundup: Infinity Blade multiplayer, Chaos Rings Omega, more
There are some interesting gaming tidbits to report on today from the world of iOS:
∞ Verizon offers 'PlayStation phone' for $199
Verizon Wireless announced Tuesday that it will offer the Sony Ericsson Xperia Play, the first North American cell phone carrier to do so. The “PlayStation phone,” as it has become known, makes its debut on May 26 for $199 (with … Continued
∞ EA acquires Real Racing, Flight Control maker
Electronic Arts (EA) has announced plans to acquire Firemint Pty Ltd., the software developer responsible for the hit iOS games Real Racing and Flight Control. Financial details weren’t disclosed, but EA said the deal will close within four weeks.
∞ LEGO Indiana Jones 2 headed to Mac April 28th
Feral Interactive has announced the forthcoming release of LEGO Indiana Jones 2: The Adventure Continues for the Mac. It’s coming on April 28, 2011 for $29.99, and will be available in boxed and downloadable formats.
∞ Atari's Greatest Hits released for iOS
While the brand has fallen by the wayside in recent years, Atari will always hold a special place in the hearts of gamers of a certain age. A new iOS game download called Atari’s Greatest Hits is bound to appeal to them and to many others with an eye towards video game history.
Atari’s Greatest Hits is a free download that comes with the classic game Pong, and for 99 cents more, you can download one of 25 separate game “packs” that include classic Atari coin-op arcade games and games originally designed for the Atari 2600 home game console – one of the first popular home consoles. If you want to buy them all in one fell swoop (18 arcade games, 92 Atari 2600 games) you can get them discounted for $14.99, all managed through in-app purchases.
∞ Hogrocket, former console game developers, explain iOS push
Hogrocket is a new game developer formed by three former members of now-defunct game studio Bizarre Creations. A recent blog post from Hogrocket co-founder Ben Ward casts light on their decision to start out by making a game for iOS.
∞ Final Fantasy III comes to iOS
Square Enix has announced the release of Final Fantasy III for iPhone and iPod touch. The game is available for $15.99. Square Enix has noted that an iPad version is due out in April.
∞ Real Racing 2 budget hits multimillions
While the original Real Racing was produced on a more modest scale, indie iOS game developer Firemint went into seven digits to make the iPhone version of its new game, Real Racing 2 HD – one of the first games … Continued
∞ Valve marketing VP dishes on 'worthless' agency marketing
Valve, makers of the soon-to-be-released game Portal 2, has a dim view of the value of ad agencies. Marketing VP Doug Lombardi says: “With the Portal 2 ad, we play tested it and were able to make changes during production. With … Continued
∞ Mac App Store makes developers money
As if on cue with our previous article, PCWorld.com, (by way of Macworld.com), discusses a report that shows strong sales of Mac apps sold through the new Mac App Store. “Despite the small number of available titles, the average Mac … Continued
∞ Dragon Age II released for Mac (and other platforms)
BioWare and Electronic Arts (EA) on Tuesday announced the release of Dragon Age II for multiple platforms, including Mac OS X. It costs $60.
∞ Angry Birds CEO: "We really have Apple to thank"
Of the thousands of games available for download from the App Store, none has had the sustained popularity of Rovio’s Angry Birds, a 99 cent physics-based puzzler in which you use a slingshot to launch birds of various shapes and … Continued
∞ Epic Games raises royalty threshold on UDK games
Epic Games made headlines in 2010 when it announced its Unreal Development Kit (UDK) for iOS – a major advance to bring spectacular-looking games to the iPhone and iPad. Now Epic is making things a bit easier for developers that … Continued
∞ Valve to "simplify" Source SDK
The Source Software Development Kit (SDK) is Valve’s technology that’s been used to bring unforgettable games like Half-Life 2, Portal and Left 4 Dead — available for Mac, PC and other platforms, thanks to Valve’s introduction of Steam to the … Continued
∞ New video game museum project seeks Kickstarter funds
The Museum of Art and Digital Entertainment (The MADE) has kicked off a fundraising campaign through Kickstarter.com. We at The Loop are bringing it to readers’ attention because The Loop’s executive editor, Peter Cohen, is on The MADE’s advisory board … Continued