Jony Ive, Ferrari, and someone who wants to meet Jony

Ferrari press release:

Amsterdam and Maranello, 27 September 2021. Exor N.V. (“Exor”), the leading diversified holding company controlled by the Agnelli family, and Ferrari N.V. (“Ferrari”) announce a long term, multi-year collaboration with Sir Jony Ive and Marc Newson at the creative collective LoveFrom.

Marc Newson and Sir Jony Ive:

“We have been friends with John for many years and are great admirers of his insight and vision. We are thrilled to be embarking on such an important, long term collaboration with Ferrari and more broadly Exor. As Ferrari owners and collectors, we could not be more excited about collaborating with this extraordinary company and in particular with the design team expertly led by Flavio Manzoni. We see some uniquely exciting opportunities working together which we believe will yield important and valuable work.”

Ferrari already makes beautiful vehicles. It’ll be interesting to see what Jony Ive and Mark Newson bring to the design.

One interesting side note of the emergence of LoveFrom is the lack of a web site. Yesterday’s Ferrari press release had me check to see if that changed. When I did a LoveFrom search, here’s the Siri recommended web site.

Go ahead and give it a click. Clever.