Apple Music vs Spotify, and the star rating system

Follow the link for in interesting comparison of Apple Music vs Spotify, posted on Reddit. It’s blunt, biased, but interesting.

One particular part I found very interesting:

The amount of library customization iTunes gives you, is unlike anything else out there. I can adjust the volume of individual song files, set when the song will start & stop or remember the time mark to start playing from when it was last played.


Another thing I’m bonkers about is the Star Rating system. Everyone else seems to have gotten rid of this in favor of a like/love button. But the degrees to which I like songs is different; 3 stars is an “Ok” whilst 5 stars is an “I’m obsessed with this!” and I think that distinction is very important.

I do love the star rating system, though it feels lost in the shuffle if you tend to listen to music on your iPhone or HomePod.

To see this for yourself, start up a song in the Music app, then try to find the star rating system. Easy enough to Love (or Unlove) the song. But where are the stars?

If you hop over to your Mac and fire up the Music app, you have access to both the stars and the love:

  • Open the Music app on your Mac
  • In the iTunes window that appears, control-click a song, then click Get Info (or type command-I)
  • The Get Info window lets you Love/Unlove as well as give the song a star rating.

In addition, if you’ve got a Home Pod, ask Siri to give the song a star rating:

  • Play the song on your HomePod
  • Say “Hey Siri, rate this song 5 stars”

Is the star rating system an artifact, a still grudgingly supported thing of the past?