Amazon adds end-to-end encryption to the Ring doorbell


Almost one year after EFF called on Amazon’s surveillance doorbell company Ring to encrypt footage end-to-end, it appears they are starting to make this necessary change. This call was a response to a number of problematic and potentially harmful incidents, including larger concerns about Ring’s security and reports that employees were fired for watching customers’ videos.


Videos taken by the Ring device for either streaming or later viewing are end-to-end encrypted such that only mobile devices you authorize can view them.


Ring now has over a thousand partnerships with police departments across the country that allow law enforcement to request, with a single click, footage from Ring users. When police are investigating a crime, they can click and drag on a map in the police portal and automatically generate a request email for footage from every Ring user within that designated area.

The addition of one-to-end encryption adds another layer of protection to this model, presumably requiring a warrant to access your footage.

Read about the encryption model in this Amazon white paper.

If you own a Ring doorbell, here’s a link to Amazon’s instructions on enabling end-to-end encryption.

If you are in the market for a HomeKit video doorbell, check out this review of the Logitech Circle View doorbell. Still early days for HomeKit doorbells.