The brain behind the Google Pixel camera is building a universal camera app for Adobe

Jay Peters, The Verge:

Marc Levoy, the researcher who used software to turn Google’s Pixel camera into a powerhouse, has joined Adobe to build a universal camera app, Adobe announced today.

Levoy headed up the team that developed the impressive computational photography technology used in Google’s Pixel smartphones, including features like Night Sight, Portrait Mode, and HDR+.

This seems a big loss for Google.

John Gruber, in a State of Google Pixel Daring Fireball post:

My basic theory is that Google, institutionally, is bored with Android — and if Google has lost interest in Android generally it’s going to lose interest in Pixels specifically.

Not a big leap to the possibility that Marc Levoy was feeling a bit bored/limited with the future in Google’s computational photography efforts.

Google’s loss is Adobe’s gain. And, if a cool new camera app comes to iOS, Apple’s gain as well.