For those at northerly latitudes, Comet NEOWISE up in the evening now

Earth Sky:

Later this month, the comet will become visible in the evening for those at latitudes like those further south in the U.S. Some skilled observers have reported that – once you spot it with binoculars – you can remove them and glimpse this comet as a fuzzy ball, using only the unaided eye. Using binoculars or other optical aid is a must, though, if you want to see this comet’s splendid split tail. The comet is called C/2020 F3 (NEOWISE). In this post, we provide charts that can help you see this celestial visitor.

Around July 12-15, Comet NEOWISE will appear early in the evening sky, close to the northwest horizon.

Definitely going out this evening with my son to see if we can spot this tonight.