So everyone’s googling ‘bread’ now


An ever-increasing number of Americans are staying at home to help slow the spread of COVID-19 through their communities, and they need something to do.

Anyone without a sewing machine for making homemade masks to shore up our government’s shamefully low stockpile appears to be baking bread. It makes sense: Using the no-knead and sourdough recipes that have become popular over the past decade, baking bread at home works best when you’re there for hours on end, with time to tend to dough between its long rests and rises. It’s not an accident that bread baking caught on with work-from-home professions like writing and tech. Few other people voluntarily stayed in their houses that often for that long. No longer.

Our local grocery store hasn’t had yeast on hand for 10 days. Luckily, we have lots and my wife loves making “Italian Bread” and I make a delicious “Japanese Milk Bread.” We’re also going to get into making sourdough bread because it doesn’t require store bought yeast.