Apple Arcade goes live (for some). And it’s a winner.

Apple Arcade went live yesterday, at least for people running the iOS 13 beta.

I’ve been playing on both my iPhone XR and my iPad. The experience is phenomenal. There’s an overwhelming number of games, more than I can possibly digest in even a few days. And a steady stream of more games to follow.

There are puzzle games, shooters, tower defense, platformers, and much much more. Enough choice so that, if you try a game and don’t like it, just move on, you’re sure to find a game you love.

The games are not skimpy. Some are more about the gameplay, others richer with visuals. All are worth a look. So far, not a stinker in the bunch.

I’ve got a few favorites, but given that my tastes are not your tastes, I’d urge you to dig in when access opens up, try a wide variety. And if you have an MFi controller, or an Xbox One or PS4 controller, definitely give that a try, especially for the endless runner or action games.

I do feel a bit like I won a lifetime supply of ice cream. More than I can ever eat. And more than I should ever eat. At $4.99 a month, this is a terrific value (if you like ice cream). But given the free trial, there’s just no reason not to dig in.

I’ve also embedded a terrific hands-on video from Rene Ritchie, with looks at Apple Arcade games, for sure, but also with a great take on the value of a gaming universe with no in-app-purchases to bleed you dry.