Skydiver plans jump tomorrow from plane, no parachute, into a net, on TV

AP News:

He’s made 18,000 parachute jumps, helped train some of the world’s most elite skydivers, done some of the stunts for “Ironman 3.” But the plunge Luke Aikins knows he’ll be remembered for is the one he’s making without a parachute. Or a wingsuit.

Or anything, really, other than the clothes he’ll be wearing when he jumps out of an airplane at 25,000 feet this weekend, attempting to become the first person to land safely on the ground in a net.

The Fox network will broadcast the two-minute jump live at 8 p.m. EDT (5 p.m. PDT) Saturday as part of an hour-long TV special called “Heaven Sent.”

Way back when, Evil Knievel did these sorts of televised, death-defying stunts on a regular basis.

More recently, we had Felix Baumgartner jumping from a balloon on the edge of space, albeit with a parachute.

Godspeed, Luke.