∞ Natural scrolling and Quick Look URLs in Lion

OS X Lion has a new feature called natural scrolling that is trying my patience, but I’m giving it a try anyway. I have a few tips that may help you get used to it too.

[ad#Google Adsense 300×250 in story]Although it’s called “natural,” the new scrolling direction seems the most unnatural thing to me. In older versions of OS X, when you slide your fingers down on the trackpad, a Web page would move down. When you slide your fingers up, the Web page moves up.

Simple, right.

With natural scrolling, when you slide your fingers up, the content goes down. Conversely, when you move your fingers down, the content goes up. After years of doing it the other way, this is hard to get used to.

Here is what people have been telling me on Twitter.

  • Think of your Trackpad has an iPad screen and how you would move the content on that.
  • The old way of scrolling moves the scrollbar, while the new way moves the content.
  • If you put your fingers on the screen of your computer, which way would you move your fingers to move the Web page?

So, I’m giving natural scrolling a try again. I’m using those tips to remember how it’s supposed to work and I’ll give it a week. Everyone has said that I’ll get used to it.

Here’s another tip that I saw from Simon Harper on Twitter today. If you drag a URL from Safari and place it on your desktop and then do a Quick Look (select the file and press the spacebar) of it, OS X will render the Web page for you. Cool.