∞ Podcasting on an iPad 2

I had an interesting Twitter chat yesterday with a fellow that wanted to do Podcast recording on his iPad 2, but couldn’t find the right software to do it. He said he was excited about the thought of GarageBand for iPad, which was just recently released, but it didn’t really do what he wanted. Ultimately, he may have found a solution and I wanted to make sure I shared it with everyone.

My ideal podcasting situation is one that uses my MacBook the least. I envisioned myself recording the show on an iPad 2 connected to my mixer. Since I do no post production, I’d save it to Dropbox wirelessly, grab the public URL, and post it to iTunes. If I wanted the intro and outro, I’d throw those files onto my iPhone and use that as an input. Boom. If I needed to use the laptop at all, I’d be able to remote in via Screens for some quick edits.

The Perils of Podcasting on an iPad & Your Face [ballsmoke]