∞ iPhone 4, Ping on CNN's 'fails' of 2010

CNN just published its list of the top 10 biggest technology failures of 2010 — topping the list is the iPhone 4.

[ad#Google Adsense 300×250 in story]Apple’s iPhone 4 drew a lot of attention when it was released for its design. Later that design was criticized as the cause what came to be know as “antennagate.”

This, of course, is the “death grip” where you can hold the iPhone tightly and cause it to lose signal strength. Considering Apple has shown that other phones also suffer from the same antenna problems and the iPhone 4 has sold so well, it seems harsh to put it as the No. 1 fail.

Other items on the list include 3D TV, Microsoft Kin, Nexus One, Facebook privacy, Google Buzz, Gawker Media sites hacked, Content farms, Digg relaunch, and iTunes Ping.