∞ You're too stupid to review the MacBook Air if…

There have been a lot of reviews posted about the MacBook Air in the last week and a surprising number of them show the incompetence of the writer rather than any problems with the computer.

[ad#Google Adsense 300×250 in story]It’s important for reviewers to remember that they are supposed to be offering readers valuable information. Putting out some false bravado and this feeling of superiority that comes with many reviews really doesn’t help anyone. The fact you can knock a product — any product — because it doesn’t measure up to a higher-end product really doesn’t take much skill.

After being frustrated reading the utter stupidity of some reviews, I decided to do a take on Jeff Foxworthy’s “You know you’re a redneck when…” skit. If you mentioned any of these in your review, this story is meant for you.

You are too stupid to review the MacBook Air if…

  • You complain that it’s not as fast as your MacBook Pro
  • You look for the FireWire port
  • You can’t figure out why the touchscreen doesn’t work
  • You want to boot your Mac Pro from the MacBook Air
  • You complain that the screen is smaller than your MacBook Pro
  • You think Adobe made the flash drives
  • You try to plug in your Ethernet cable
  • You complain that you felt tricked into purchasing a MacBook Air by Apple because you are too stupid to read the specs first
  • You read the specs and still don’t know why Adobe is making flash drives
  • You run 20 CPU intensive apps and complain the MacBook Air doesn’t measure up to your Mac Pro
  • You can’t find the eSATA port
  • You conclude that it can’t replace your MacBook Pro