∞ iZotope releases iDrum Underworld Edition for iPhone

Here’s something that’s kind of cool. Long time Mac and iPhone developer, iZotope, partnered with English electronic band Underworld on a new version of iDrum for the iPhone and iPod touch. iDrum Underworld EditioniDrum Underworld Edition features tracks adapted from all of the band’s albums, according to iZotope. The company spent a lot of time on the interface, hiring the Creative Directive from the Underworld to design a new skin for the app.

The app includes 12 tracks, featuring “Born Slippy”, “Two Months Off” and “Cowgirl.”  In addition to allowing users to remix and re-sequence tracks from more than 20 years of Underworld’s music, the app also includes an original track created exclusively for the app.

The app costs $4.99 and is available from the App Store.