Following Coke, Toyota leads, Apple removes lesbian couple from international versions of ad

Assma Maad, writing for BuzzFeed:

But looking at the various versions of the video published worldwide, it’s clear that several adaptations are not completely faithful to the original. The lesbian couple present in the English version does not appear in the French version, as first spotted by Jeanne Magazine.

The same-sex couple also does not appear in the German, Italian, Turkish and Japanese versions, while they do appear in the Mexican, Canadian, and Australian versions.


This isn’t the first time a same-sex couple has been erased from a French version of an advertisement. In January, Toyota eliminated a female couple from an ad that was present in the Italian version.

And it’s not only in France. In 2014, an advertisement for Coca-Cola which initially staged a same-sex wedding was changed to show a heterosexual wedding in the Irish version. In France, a football match totally replaced the scene.

This surprised me. I wonder if there’s more to this story than simply playing to the comfort zone of your audience. Is this a barometer for progress (or lack thereof) made in terms of tolerance, or is there more to it than that?