Why all printers suck (even the best ones)

The Wirecutter:

Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and stop expecting printers to “just work” because that would make sense in a world where a touchscreen supercomputer fits in your shirt pocket. Like most things in life that you have no control over, you’ll be happier if you accept printers for the janky money pits that they really are.

Most of you are going to hate something about any printer that you buy, and there’s nothing you can do about it. Instead of fighting it, try to reframe the issue in your mind: You’re not buying a printer because you’re supposed to have one at home. You’re buying a printer because it’s (just barely) less inconvenient than going to a copy center.

Having used home and small office printers for over 25 years, it’s hard to argue with their premise. I have an Epson R2000 printer I love – when it works. But I dread having to print something on it because I know, even if I printed just fine yesterday, some problem will crop up when I use it today to make me waste time, energy, paper, and ink troubleshooting it.