Apple’s new ad campaign

Two new ads from Apple, both ending with the tag line:

If it’s not an iPhone, it’s not an iPhone

The first ad is called Loved and makes the statistical claim that “99% of people who have an iPhone, love their iPhone.” Interesting that the ad is so specific. I suspect that someone at Apple has a study in their back pocket to back that up.

The second ad is called Hardware & Software. At the core is this message:

Unlike most smartphones, we designed the software part, and the hardware part.

To me, this is the stronger ad. Clearly aimed at differentiating the iPhone from its Android brethren, subtly making the case that when you buy an iPhone, you are getting the latest hardware and software, straight from the source, no middling vendors in the way.

While the Loved ad is touchy feely, the Hardware & Software ad is a shot across Android’s bow.