Average App Store review times

This is nothing new, but given my earlier post about the dearth of Mac App Store sales, I thought this might be interesting.

The site AppReviewTimes offers a running average of app review times (in days) for both the iOS and Mac App Store.

For example, today, the average review time for an iOS app is 9 days and for a Mac app is 6 days. More interestingly, look at the number of reviews that go into each calculation. The iOS number was based on 756 reviews and the Mac number was based on only 54 reviews.

Here’s where these numbers come from:

This is not official Apple data. It is based only on anecdotal data gathered from people posting their latest review times on Twitter and App.net using the #macreviewtime or #iosreviewtime hash tags. For people that would prefer to remain anonymous when submitting their review we also allow direct submissions of review times.


The averages on this site are based only on the data gathered from the community which are a very small subset of the total number of apps which go through review each day. However in our experience it does give a reasonable indication of how review times are changing over time.

My take: Even though this is anecdotal data, it is a non-trivial sample size and does give some sense of the relative activity in the iOS and Mac App Stores.

This is not news, more a sign of the times.