“I don’t think I’ve created anything new outside Google Docs for a couple of years now.”

Fraser Speirs, in a post titled On Switching from an iPad Pro and a Macbook to a Pixelbook (via Michael Tsai’s excellent blog):

Fast forward to 2018 and virtually all of the work I do at school is now in Google Docs. I don’t think I’ve created anything new outside Google Docs for a couple of years now.

I do use Google Docs, and most of the simple documents I create live either there, or in some form of Markdown editor (almost always in BBEdit).

But I do a lot more creating than simple documents. I take lots of photos, mark them up, screenshots, too. I share these images in all sorts of social media. I draw pictures, though quite inexpertly, and share those as well. And there’s programming. Most of that is done on a Mac in Xcode.

And most of my communication is via apps. And a lot of that communication involves “creating”, since I consider writing to be creating. And, of course, there’s music, via Garage Band or Logic.

I find it interesting that though Google Docs does own a ton of mindshare for simple documents, once creativity enters the picture, the more I rely on my Mac, iPad, and iPhone.