“Since Mom died this past spring, my 92 year old dad waits for mail every day.”

Miriam Dunn:

Since Mom died this past spring, my 92 year old dad waits for mail every day. Listens for the squeak of the mail slot opening. His birthday is Oct 16th.

Please mail a note, card, picture, map or story to Gerard Dunn 96 Summerhill Avenue Sydney, Nova Scotia B1R 2L4

Thank you.

Here’s Mr Dunn playing piano on his 85th birthday.

Heres the full Twitter thread.

Sometimes the world can seem like a complete disaster (this week feels like one long one for many of us) but there are still small joys to be had. This is one of them.

The Publisher of The Loop and I are both from Nova Scotia. Mr Dunn lives in my mom’s hometown. So this is close to my heart. Please take a moment over the next few days to buy a postcard of your hometown or state or province or country and send it to Mr Dunn. I promise he’ll enjoy it and it will put a smile on your face as you drop it in the mailbox. I’m getting my 12 year old to send him a birthday message.