Thread by @Fizzhogg: “So, this guy is walking down the street.”

Paul Guyot:

So, this guy is walking down the street. A rumpled, stained, fast food uniform. Obviously just off a long day of serving ungrateful, hurried guests. But he knows self-care. He’s got himself an ice cream cone.

And he is in a state of nirvana. He’s enjoying this (I’m sure well deserved) ice cream cone like it’s the last one he’s ever gonna have. He is focused. No one has ever been this focused, except maybe Carlos Hathcock.

His focus is only broken by the sound of a bus… I watch him look, and see the realization come over his face – this bus is where he is headed with his delicious feast. And that there is no way he gets there before it leaves… unless he runs.

Twitter is often a dumpster fire, seemingly run by people who have no clue about business in general and Twitter specifically. Many people, here and elsewhere, dismiss Twitter and whatever value it may have. That’s completely understandable.

But sometimes (yes – far too rarely), Twitter brings me a great deal of joy. This thread is an example of that. Thanks to my friend Jared Earle for pointing me to it.