Apple not taking chances with ads, is too ‘vanilla’ says former ad director


Speaking in an interview with The Daily Telegraph, as cited by Business Insider, Segall argues that Apple today is missing that aura that Steve Jobs created, which made customers “lust” for the company’s products.

“The passing of Steve Jobs created a completely different approach to marketing which we can see the results of,” Segall said. “As a marketer, I look at that and can see the difference between Steve being there — and not being there — very clearly.”

“These days, Apple does a different campaign for a different phone, which I always thought was a lost opportunity,” Segall told the newspaper. “They should be building a personality for the phone, a thing that people might want to be part of because it rises above the features of the moment.” He went on to argue that Tim Cook is operating with the advice of those around him, who are “a little vanilla.”

It could be argued that Apple is no longer the company that Segall used to work for in the sense they are not the “scrappy underdog” any more. They are a fully mature, consumer electronics company that no longer needs to be “edgy”.

That being said, I prefer Apple edgy.