Hey Siri, play some music

You can ask Siri to do a lot of things with the Apple Music app, and most of them work quite well. I often ask Siri to play the Hard Rock music station and it does. However, I got a nice surprise yesterday with Siri and Apple Music.

Instead of being specific on what I asked to be played, I simply said “Hey Siri, play some music.” What I got was a customized music station that played a collection of my favorite songs. These were different songs than the ones in “My Favorites Mix” and it even setup a station on the “For You” section of Apple Music called “Jim Dalrymple’s Station.”

I was sure I had given Siri this command before, but nothing like this happened. Maybe this is new or perhaps I gave Siri a different command in the past. The station hasn’t shown up on my Apple Music profile page for friends to see yet, but hopefully it will.

Whatever happened, I’m glad it did. I’m really enjoying this new station.