The 50 best good bad movies

The Ringer:

There’s just something enjoyable about a movie that’s hopelessly committed to its (very bad) vision. Whether it’s due to bad special effects, awful acting, or a completely absurd or nonsensical plot, these films create a sense of sheer wonderment and force you to exclaim, “How is this a movie?!” But the mere fact that something so illogical, or low-budget, or ill-conceived exists is at the root of why we like these movies. They’re so bad that … they’re actually kind of good.

What a great list. I’ll admit to seeing the vast majority of these movies and it’s hard to disagree. They are so bad, they’re “good”. Or, if not good, at least fun to watch in their awfulness. I have two quibbles though. I don’t think “Deep Blue Sea” was a “bad” movie – just not a good one. I still enjoyed it immensely though. And “Speed 2: Cruise Control” was just bad with no redeeming qualities whatsoever.