The frustrated Steve Jobs

Ken Segall:

Like many, I have a habit of idealizing the “good old days” with Steve Jobs. Keep in mind that I’m an ad guy. It’s incredibly rare that people like me get to work directly with the CEO, and even more rare that the CEO is so passionate about doing great work.

So when I look back, I tend to romanticize even the difficult times, even though I know darn well that the tense moments were … well, tense. Especially with Steve.

Return with me now to the thrilling days of yesteryear, as the color iMacs were about to be unveiled.

I love Segall’s reminisces about his time at Apple. I was privy to one of these outbursts many years ago when I was in the room as Jobs called a well-known tech columnist and chewed his ass off for a good five minutes. It was a magnificent example of barely controlled fury, peppered with some remarkable curse words.