Steve Jobs’s first reaction to the Genius Bar: ‘That’s so idiotic! It’ll never work!’


In 2000, when Apple hired Ron Johnson to create and run its first retail stores, Johnson got a crash course in working with Steve Jobs.

Arguably the centerpiece of what became the Apple Store is the Genius Bar, one of Johnson’s ideas. Customers can take private lessons in how to use their new Apple products, or take existing products in for tech support and repairs.

Jobs hated the idea.

“I remember the day I came in and told Steve about the Genius Bar idea and he says, ‘That’s so idiotic! It’ll never work!’” Johnson said. “He said, ‘Ron, you might have the right idea, but here’s the big gap: I’ve never met someone who knows technology who knows how to connect with people. They’re all geeks! You can call it the Geek Bar.’”

The mythology of Steve Jobs means that many people think that everything he touched was gold and that he could do no wrong. Even Jobs didn’t believe that and said often that he got great ideas from others. This is one example.

I’ve often wondered what would have happened if Johnson didn’t leave to become the ill-fated CEO of J.C. Penney.