Apple settles Siri lawsuit with Rensselaer, Dallas company for $25 million

Albany Business Review:

Apple has agreed to pay $24.9 million to settle a years-long lawsuit alleging that its Siri voice technology violated a patent licensed to a Dallas company by Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, New York. The lawsuit alleges Siri was developed at Rensselaer before Apple introduced it in 2011 with the iPhone 4S. The Dallas company, Dynamic Advances, was the exclusive licensee of Rensselaer’s patent.

Under the terms of the agreement, Dynamic Advances’ parent company Marathon Patent Group will receive $5 million from Apple immediately after dropping its case. The remaining $19.9 million will come after some conditions are met.

Is it just me (and this feels weird to say) but does $25 million seem like not a lot of money to settle this lawsuit?