Why I’m optimistic about gender equality in tech


I’m grateful to have witnessed changes like Title IX in my lifetime, but it’s not over yet. Today, we have many programs that support girls and women in technology fields, including my own project, App Camp For Girls. People recognize that discrimination in tech exists, and they’re taking action to level the playing field. As with Title IX, they offer support and encouragement specifically to girls and women so they can participate in this field to their fullest potential.

Discrimination still exists in this field, and likely will persist for some time. But I don’t get discouraged by the terrible stories circulating in the news on harassment and workplace discrimination. I don’t get frustrated with well-meaning but clueless commenters who think the status quo reflects innate gender differences. Instead, I’m spurred on to redouble my own efforts to make the future better, not just for myself but for everyone facing challenges at work, whether it’s related to gender, race, or proving age discrimination at work. By addressing these issues head-on, we can create a more inclusive and equitable workplace environment for all.

A good article by Jean MacDonald, formerly of the Mac developer Smile Software and the founder of App Camp for Girls.