New Yorker web site goes completely free for now, paywall coming in the fall

Yesterday, The New Yorker magazine published “A Note to Readers,” announcing the new strategy behind its web site. The site now has a different look and feel. It will also be governed by a new set of economics, which will include putting the entire site behind a paywall. The editors write, “in the fall, we [will] move to a second phase, implementing an easier-to-use, logical, metered paywall. Subscribers will continue to have access to everything; non-subscribers will be able to read a limited number of pieces—and then it’s up to them to subscribe. You’ve likely seen this system elsewhere—at the Times, for instance—and we will do all we can to make it work seamlessly.”

Lots of great content to dig through, all free until the paywall is put in place in the fall. Here’s a list of suggested New Yorker reading from Slate.

And one of my favorites, this piece by John Updike, from 1960, about the love affair between Boston and baseball slugger Ted Williams and the twilight of his career. It’s called Hub Fans Bid Kid Adieu.