∞ San Mateo DA: iPhone 4 Gizmodo editors acted like teenagers


“It was obvious that they were angry with the company about not being invited to some press conference or some big Apple event. We expected to see a certain amount of professionalism–this is like 15-year-old children talking,” [San Mateo County District Attorney Steven] Wagstaffe said. “There was so much animosity, and they were very critical of Apple. They talked about having Apple right where they wanted them and they were really going to show them.”

The San Mateo DA’s office declined to go after Gizmodo following the theft of an iPhone 4 prototype last year, but it’s plain to see that they were unimpressed with Gizmodo’s professional demeanor, as well.

In related news, the two men accused of selling the stolen iPhone 4 were sentenced to one year of probation, 40 hours of public service and $250 in restitution to Apple.