∞ iPhone, iPad, iAd destined to fail

I honestly didn’t know what to think when I looked at this five page missive by Brandt Dainow. The bottom line, which happens to be in the very first paragraph, is that Apple is destined for failure because its iPhone and iPad have no future.

Okay. I still don’t know what to say.

Apple’s new iAd proposition has been generating a great deal of discussion lately, most of it positive, and most of it remarkably short-sighted. It seems most people, including Steve Jobs, have forgotten the basic lessons of computing and the internet. People who forget history are doomed to repeat it. The iAd has no future, and neither does the iPhone/iPad. I will show why iAds must inevitably die, and how Steve Job’s strategy for iPhone and iPad will inevitably lead Apple into becoming at best a marginal niche player, at worst an ex-business.

Why iAds will fail [iMedia Connection]